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Some notes about Synology DSM 5.0/5.1.


Besides the official Synology repository, you can add:


It's possible to run DSM into VMware. Excellent tutorial (in French) here:

The machine will be recognized as follows by Synology Assistant:

Mail server


postmaster and abuse aliases can be added to /volume1/@appstore/MailServer/etc/aliases.

Then you need to reload the configuration:

> /volume1/@appstore/MailServer/bin/newaliases
> /volume1/@appstore/MailServer/sbin/postfix reload

You can also manage aliases from the GUI:

Mail Client


At the time of this writting, RoundCube v1.0.2 will be installed if you install the "MailStation" package. The current version is 1.0.3 and you will have to manually upgrade your RoundCube setup if you want to install plugins (e.g. Calendar).

It's highly not recommended to do that because it will break the package and it's very likely to cause data loss when the package will be updated.


Installation of Horde


Install following packages:

  • Perl (required by MailServer)
  • MailServer
  • MariaDB (required by Horde)
  • PHP PEAR (required by Horde)


  • MailServer
  • MariaDB (define the "root" password with mysqladmin -u root password 'P4SSW0RD' )

Enable SSH (Control Panel > Terminal & SNMP > Terminal)

Via packages

Install Horde from the "" repository (you will need to enable "Beta" versions).

Define your MariaDB root password and a password for your Horde database:

Select the Horde installation package mode (select the second option):

Click "Next":

Click "Apply":

The installation will need around 20 minutes. Go to http://yourserver/horde/ to check the status:

When the installation is complete, you should have a similar screen:

Manual installation

As prerequisites, you will need to:

  • Install MariaDB and PHP-PEAR packages. Set a password for MariaDB.
  • Install Perl (required for Mail Server) and MailServer packages

Ensure the "Enable home user service" option is checked (Control Panel > Users > Advanced tab > User home section).

Once done, create a horde database:

DiskStation> mysql -u root -p
MariaDB [(none)]> create database horde;
MariaDB [(none)]> create user horde@localhost identified by 'Awes0meP455w0rD';
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on horde.* to horde@localhost;
MariaDB [(none)]> \q

Then proceed with the installation of Horde:

DiskStation> pear channel-discover
DiskStation> pear install horde/horde_role
DiskStation> mkdir /volume1/web/horde/
DiskStation> pear config-set horde_dir /volume1/web/horde
DiskStation> pear config-set -c horde_dir /volume1/web/horde
DiskStation> pear run-scripts horde/horde_role
Filesystem location for the base Horde application : /volume1/web/horde
DiskStation> pear install horde/webmail
This last command will install horde. It will take up to 20 minutes to complete. To install all optional components, issue pear install -a -B horde/webmail instead.
Prior to executing the below commands, you need to add /volume1/@appstore/PEAR to open_basedir.

Now, here is a workaround that I've found so that the webmail-install script can read the appropriate horde_dir value. Unless you run it as the admin user, you will have a critical error.

DiskStation> cp /root/.pearrc /volume1/homes/admin
DiskStation> su admin
$ /volume1/@appstore/PEAR/bin/webmail-install

What database backend should we use? 
    (false) [None]
    (mysql) MySQL / PDO
    (mysqli) MySQL (mysqli)
    (oci8) Oracle
    (pgsql) PostgreSQL
    (sqlite) SQLite
Type your choice []: mysql

Username to connect to the database as* [] horde

Password to connect with  Awes0meP455w0rD

How should we connect to the database? 
    (unix) UNIX Sockets
    (tcp) TCP/IP
Type your choice [unix]: tcp

Database server/host* [] localhost

Port the DB is running on, if non-standard [3306] 3306

Database name to use* [] horde

Internally used charset* [utf-8] utf-8

Use SSL to connect to the server? 
    (1) Yes
    (0) No
Type your choice [0]: 0

Certification Authority to use for SSL connections [] 

Split reads to a different server? 
    (false) Disabled
    (true) Enabled
Type your choice [false]: false


Now apply appropriate privs (you can now issue remaining commands as root):

DiskStation> chown -R http /volume1/web/horde/
DiskStation> chmod +w /volume1/web/horde/static/

Go to http://your.ip/horde/admin/config/ and follow the configuration (as explained below).

Configuration of Horde

First of all, update all configurations from "Settings > Administration > Configuration". Click on "Update all configurations":

The automatic configuration will fail. Choose to save the configuration in the temporary folder:

Connect to the CLI (via SSH) and enter following command:

> php /var/services/tmp/horde_configuration_upgrade.php
Successfully saved backup configuration.
Saved horde configuration.
Saved imp configuration.
Saved ingo configuration.
Saved kronolith configuration.
Saved turba configuration.
Saved nag configuration.
Saved mnemo configuration.
Saved trean configuration.
Saved gollem configuration.
Upgrade script deleted.

Now, go to the configuration directory and backup the conf.php file:

> cd /volume1/web/horde/config/
> cp conf.php conf.2014.
> vi conf.php

Modify the conf.php as follows:

 $conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
 $conf['nosql']['phptype'] = false;
 $conf['ldap']['useldap'] = false;
-$conf['auth']['admins'] = array('Administrator');
+$conf['auth']['admins'] = array('admin');
 $conf['auth']['checkip'] = true;
 $conf['auth']['checkbrowser'] = true;
 $conf['auth']['resetpassword'] = true;
 $conf['auth']['alternate_login'] = false;
 $conf['auth']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
 $conf['auth']['list_users'] = 'list';
-$conf['auth']['params']['username'] = 'Administrator';
-$conf['auth']['params']['requestuser'] = false;
-$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'auto';
+$conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
+$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application';
 $conf['auth']['params']['count_bad_logins'] = false;
 $conf['auth']['params']['login_block'] = false;
 $conf['auth']['params']['login_block_count'] = 5;


 $conf['history']['driver'] = 'Sql';
 $conf['davstorage']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
 $conf['davstorage']['driver'] = 'Sql';
-$conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
+$conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
 $conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_args'] = '-oi';
 $conf['mailer']['type'] = 'sendmail';
 $conf['vfs']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';

Start Horde daemon (only applies to installation from package)

Horde daemon should be automatically started. If it's not the case, go to your packages manager > Horde and start it from the dropdown:

Grant users (only applies to installation from package)

In DSM, go to Control Panel > User and click the user you want to grant the Horde privileges to. Then click Modify, go to "Applications" tab and check the "Horde" checkbox:

User profile and test

Now, logout from Horde admin and log in as a standard user. Go to Settings > Options > Personal and edit your profile (you need to define a default email to be able to send mails).

Send a mail to yourself and refresh to check that you have received it.

To be checked where the "default domain" has to be defined in order to avoid a manual definition of the profiles?


Add following lines to your /etc/crontab file (ensure fields are separated by TABS insteads of SPACES)

*/5     *       *       *       *       root    su - admin -c "/volume1/@appstore/PEAR/bin/horde-alarms"                                                                                                                                     
0       2       *       *       *       root    su - admin -c "/volume1/@appstore/PEAR/bin/kronolith-agenda"                                                                                                                                 
30      6       *       *       *       root    pear upgrade -c horde | sendmail -t [email protected]                                            

Optional configuration

Enable cache (recommended)

It is recommended to enable cache for CSS/JS/Theme. Go to Configuration > Horde > Caching Tab and enable Cache in the 3 below sections:

Enable PGP

For more information on PGP, refer to this page.

If you want to use PGP within Horde, edit the configuration file (conf.php) and add the following line:

 $conf['sessionhandler']['hashtable'] = false;
 $conf['spell']['driver'] = ;
+$conf['gnupg']['path'] = '/usr/bin/gpg';
 $conf['gnupg']['keyserver'] = array('');
 $conf['gnupg']['timeout'] = 10;
 $conf['nobase64_img'] = false;
 $conf['image']['driver'] = false;

Then go to Settings > Options > IMP and click on PGP:

Then enable PGP:

When you click the Save button, you're presented with the following screen:

Click on Import key and use the browse button to locate your private key. Then click on Import:

Enable ActiveSync

First ensure you have installed the package:

DiskStation> pear install horde/horde_activesync

If you want to be able to synchronize a third-party client (e.g. iPhone) with Horde using an Exchange based configuration (synchronization of Email, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Memo), you must enable ActiveSync from Configuration > Horde > ActiveSync tab.

You must also modify your Apache configuration. Here is an example for Synology, using the user SSL configuration file (/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf-user):

Listen 443

Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf-common

NameVirtualHost *:443


<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName *
    ServerAlias *

    SSLEngine on

    <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

    Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /volume1/web/horde/rpc.php
    Alias /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml /volume1/web/horde/rpc.php
    Alias /Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml /volume1/web/horde/rpc.php
    Alias /AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml /volume1/web/horde/rpc.php
    RedirectPermanent /.well-known/caldav /horde/rpc.php
    RedirectPermanent /.well-known/carddav /horde/rpc.php

    BrowserMatch ".*MSIE [2-5]\..*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
    #CustomLog /dev/null "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/user-access_log combined

    <IfDefine HSTS>
        Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"

    Include sites-enabled-user/*.conf
For more information, refer to

Display emails in HTML

By default, emails are displayed in plain text (for security reasons). To enable emails to be displayed in HTML, edit /volume1/web/horde/imp/config/mime-drivers.php as follows:

/* HTML driver settings */
'html' => array(
    /* NOTE: Inline HTML display is turned OFF by default. */
-   'inline' => false,
+   'inline' => true,
    'handles' => array(
To see the effects of this modification, you will need to logout and login again.

Update Horde

If you have installed horde manually, you can update all horde packages with the below command:

DiskStation> pear upgrade -a -B -c horde
You can schedule automatic updates via a cron job.

Known errors and fixes


If you have the following error while accessing the Horde admin interface:

Database migration files not found. Please check PEAR's data_dir configuration setting.

... then create the following file:


And put the following in it:

SetEnv PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR /usr/local/horde/etc

Then, restart Apache, or maybe easier: reboot.

Fetch mail from Gmail

If you want to fecth mails from Gmail, one option is to use getmail from Pyropus.

syno> cd /volume1/homes/$USER/scripts/
syno> wget
syno> tar xzvf getmail-4.48.0.tar.gz
syno> ln -s getmail-4.48.0/ getmail

Now, create a configuration file as follows (replace the values of username, password and $USER fields with your own):

syno> mail> cat getmail_gmail.conf 
type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
server =
username = [email protected]
password = yourpassword
type = Maildir
path = /volume1/homes/$USER/.Maildir/
verbose = 0
message_log = /var/log/getmail_gmail.log

Test the following command:

syno> /volume1/homes/$USER/scripts/getmail/getmail \
  -r /volume1/homes/$USER/scripts/getmail_gmail.conf \
  -g /volume1/homes/$USER/scripts/

If everything is fine, you can add the following entry to your crontab (/etc/crontab):

*/5	*	*	*	*	root	/volume1/homes/$USER/scripts/getmail/getmail -r /volume1/homes/$USER/scripts/getmail_gmail.conf -g /volume1/homes/$USER/scripts/

And restart the cron daemon:

syno> /usr/syno/sbin/synoservicectl --restart crond

XMPP server

DNS entries

You will need to add following DNS entries:

_xmpp-client._tcp 0 IN SRV 0 5 5222 yourdomain.tld.
_xmpp-server._tcp 0 IN SRV 0 5 5269 yourdomain.tld.

Values are detailed below:

Domain Type Priority Weight Port
_xmpp-client._tcp.yourdomain.tld SRV 0 5 5222
_xmpp-server._tcp.yourdomain.tld SRV 0 5 5269

Installation of ejabberd

I used to use prosody as XMPP server but was not able to find it as a Synology package. I decided to give a try to ejabberd (available from beta package in SynoCommunity repository). It works fine!

To install it, go to Packages Center > Parameters > Packages sources and add following source:

Once done, you should have a new repository with ejabberd (you may need to display beta versions from Parameters > beta).

When prompted, enter the login and password for the admin account that will manage ejabberd, as well as your domain name:

Make sure you only use letters/numbers because it seems there is a bug in the installer. If you use a password that contains special characters, the installation won't fail but you won't be able to authenticate against the admin interface. I have opened case #1348.
This admin account is independant from the Synology accounts. In other terms, you can use an existing username but with a different password.

Once the installation is complete, go to http://yourserver:5280/admin/. You should be presented with the administration panel as follows:

Add users

To add a user, go to: Virtual Servers > [yourdomain] > Users.

Issue Certificate

I recommend to install a certificate to encrypt your communications. Please note that it won't be accepted by Google. For this reason, we will configure encryption as optional.

Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) locally:

> openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/ejabberd.key 4096
> openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/private/ejabberd.key \
   -out /etc/ssl/ejabberd.csr -utf8 -batch -subj "/CN=yourdomain.tld/" 

On StartSSL, go to Certificates Wizard and select "Web Server SSL/TLS Certificate" from the "Certificate Target" dropdown. Then click "Continue". Press the "Skip" button since you already have your CSR.

Paste the content of your CSR in the StartSSL form and press "Continue".

Click "Next", then select the domain your certificate will be valid for from the domains dropdown and provide a subdomain (e.g. ejabberd). Press "Continue" until you're presented with the PEM encoded certificate. Copy it and save it on your server under /etc/ssl/public/ejabberd.crt (first create the "/etc/ssl/public/" directory).

To be able to process your certificate, ejabberd requires that you concatenate the private and public keys:

> wget
> cat /etc/ssl/public/ejabberd.crt /etc/ssl/private/ejabberd.key > /volume1/@appstore/ejabberd/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem


Now, it's time to tell ejabberd we want to use our certificate.

> cd /volume1/@appstore/ejabberd/etc/ejabberd/
> vi ejabberd.cfg

And modify this section as follows:

%%%.   ===============                                                         
%%%'   LISTENING PORTS                                              
%% listen: The ports ejabberd will listen on, which service each is handled
%% by and what options to start it with.                                   
{define_macro, 'CERT_LOCATION', "/volume1/@appstore/ejabberd/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"}.
  {5222, ejabberd_c2s, [                                                                 
                        %% If TLS is compiled in and you installed a SSL                 
                        %% certificate, specify the full path to the                     
                        %% file and uncomment this line:                                 
                        {certfile, 'CERT_LOCATION'}, starttls,
                        {access, c2s},                                                   
                        {shaper, c2s_shaper},                                            
                        {max_stanza_size, 65536}                        

%% s2s_use_starttls: Enable STARTTLS + Dialback for S2S connections.                     
%% Allowed values are: false optional required required_trusted                          
%% You must specify a certificate file.                                                  
{s2s_use_starttls, optional}.                                                         

%% s2s_certfile: Specify a certificate file.                                             
{s2s_certfile, 'CERT_LOCATION'}.


Restart ejabbered

Now restart ejabberd:

> /volume1/@appstore/ejabberd/sbin/ejabberdctl restart



With ipkg, you can install packages on your Synology, as you would do with apt/dpkg on a Debian box.


Supported architectures

ipkg can be easily installed on supported architectures. For example on a DS3612xs (Intel x86 architecture), you will just need to issue following commands:

DiskStation> wget
DiskStation> sh syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh

Add following paths to the PATH environment variable in /root/.profile:


Reload the profile:

DiskStation> source /etc/profile

Then run:

DiskStation> ipkg update
DiskStation> ipkg upgrade

Non supported architectures (yet)

Some recent Synology devices run unsupported architectures (e.g. DS214+ running Marvell Armada XP). You won't find any bootstrap yet. However, there are some tutorials that explain how to install and run ipkg:

If ipkg can be installed on such architectures, not all packages will run fine. For example, I haven't been able to properly run rrdtool following these tutorials.



Bu default, there is no real monitoring solution installed on a Synology. Cacti is an excellent web based application that will monitor our NAS.


First install ipkg. Then run:

DiskStation> ipkg install net-snmp
DiskStation> ipkg install rrdtool

Install Cacti

Downlad and install Cacti:

DiskStation> wget
DiskStation> tar xzvf cacti-0.8.8c.tar.gz
DiskStation> mv cacti-0.8.8c/ /volume1/web/cacti/
DiskStation> chown -R http /volume1/web/cacti/

Create the database:

DiskStation> mysql -u root -p
MariaDB [(none)]> create database cacti;
MariaDB [(none)]> create user cacti@localhost identified by 'cactipassword';
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on cacti.* to cacti@localhost;
MariaDB [(none)]> \q

Popuplate the database:

DiskStation> mysql -u root -p cacti < /volume1/web/cacti/cacti.sql


Now, edit /volume1/web/cacti/include/config.php and adapt to match your settings:

$database_type = "mysql";
$database_default = "cacti";
$database_hostname = "localhost";
$database_username = "cacti";
$database_password = "cactipassword";
$database_port = "3306";
$database_ssl = false;

Go to Control Panel > Web services > PHP parameters tab and add following paths to open_basedir:


To finish the configuration, point your browser to http://<your.ip>/cacti/install/ and follow the configuration process as depicted below:

login with admin/admin and change the cacti password.

Add following line to your /etc/crontab file:

*/5	*	*	*	*	root	/usr/bin/php /volume1/web/cacti/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Restart crontab:

DiskStation> /usr/syno/sbin/synoservicectl --restart crond


Edit crontab

Add entries to /etc/crontab


> cat /etc/crontab 
#minute	hour	mday	month	wday	who	command
*/15	*	*	*	*	root	su - admin -c "/usr/bin/php /volume1/web/rssreader/update.php --feeds --quiet"
Notice that you will need to use "su - admin" to call the script as non-root user because Synology will ignore any entry that does not contain "root" at the 6th position.
Unless you use <TABS> instead of spaces to separate each field, your entries will be ignored.

Restart crond

> /usr/syno/sbin/synoservicectl --restart crond

SSL Certificate

Manually renew SSLCert

If you need to manually renew SSLCert certificate, here is how to do it:

  • Ensure you have port forwarding on your Internet Box (80/tcp->syno:80/tcp)
  • Open port 80/tcp on your Synnology
  • Go to Control Panel > Security > Certificate and select Add > Renew certificate from the dropdown:

  • If you want to do it with CLI:
$ sudo /usr/syno/sbin/syno-letsencrypt renew-all -vv


Keywords: synology nas mail xmpp ejabberd