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Impossible Disassembly


Impossible patching occurs when rogue bytes (0xFF in the below example) appearing in the middle of the instructions are part of the code itself. In this situation, it becomes less obvious to redefine the types (e.g. CODE, DATA, ...) in IDA-Pro and you will also need to patch bytes with NOP's to help IDA-Pro to keep the code's logic.

  ▼       │
 JMP - 1  │
│ EB │ FF │ C0 │ 48 │
     ¦ INC EAX ¦ DEC EAX

Code modifications

Suppose you have the following byte code:

          ▼         ¦ XOR eax,¦         ¦                        ¦
    MOV ax, 05EBh   ¦ eax     ¦ JZ - 7  ¦        Fake CALL       ¦
│ 66 │ B8 │ EB05 │ 31 │ C0 │ 74 │ F9 │ E8 │ 58 │ C3 │ 90 │ 90 │
          ¦  JMP 5  ¦                        ¦  Real Code
          ¦         ¦                        ▲

Below is the initial interpretation in IDA-Pro:

66 B8 EB 05            mov    ax, 5EBh
31 C0                  xor    eax, eax
74 F9                  jz     short near ptr sub_4011C0+1
E8 58 C3 90 90         call   near ptr 98A8D525h

You could modify the above code as follows:

66            byte_4011C0    db 66h
B8                           db 08h
EB                           db 0EBh
05                           db    5
          ; -----------------------------------------------
31 C0                        xor   eax, eax
          ; -----------------------------------------------
74                           db 74h
F9                           db 0F9h
E8                           db 0E8h
          ; -----------------------------------------------
58                           pop   eax
C3                           retn

And then patch all bytes that have been converted to data so that the code finally becomes:

90                           nop
90                           nop
90                           nop
90                           nop
31 C0                        xor    eax, eax
90                           nop
90                           nop
90                           nop
58                           pop    eax
C3                           retn

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