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Add an email address to admin

You may wonder why the email address for the admin is disabled:

To be able to add an email address to the user, you'll first need to create a cloud account here: https://account.ui.com/.

Once this is done, go to the Unifi OS settings and (temporarily) enable the remote access:

The email address should be automatically gathered for the admin user. Notice that the account type is now "Ubiquiti account & local access". You can now disable the remote access if you wish.


SSH client on Ubiquiti UDM is DropBear.

To generate a SSH key pair, you won't be able to do it with ssh-keygen. Do as follows:

# dropbearkey -f id_rsa -t rsa
Generating 2048 bit rsa key, this may take a while...
Public key portion is:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz[REDACTED]caPxVsH87 root@UDM
Fingerprint: sha1!! 83:[REDACTED]:7f

Note that the public key portion is displayed from the above command. You can also show it as follows, from the private key:

# dropbearkey -y -f id_rsa 
Public key portion is:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz[REDACTED]caPxVsH87 root@UDM
Fingerprint: sha1!! 83:[REDACTED]:7f

Custom cronjob
