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Wfuzz is a tool designed for bruteforcing Web Applications, it can be used for finding resources not linked (directories, servlets, scripts, etc), bruteforce GET and POST parameters for checking different kind of injections (SQL, XSS, LDAP,etc), bruteforce Forms parameters (User/Password), Fuzzing,etc.


On Fedora:

$ sudo dnf install wfuzz


Usage:	wfuzz [options] -z payload,params <url>

	FUZZ, ..., FUZnZ  wherever you put these keywords wfuzz will replace them with the values of the specified payload.
	FUZZ{baseline_value} FUZZ will be replaced by baseline_value. It will be the first request performed and could be used as a base for filtering.

	-h/--help                 : This help
	--help                    : Advanced help
	--filter-help             : Filter language specification
	--version                 : Wfuzz version details
	-e <type>                 : List of available encoders/payloads/iterators/printers/scripts
	--recipe <filename>       : Reads options from a recipe. Repeat for various recipes.
	--dump-recipe <filename>  : Prints current options as a recipe
	--oF <filename>           : Saves fuzz results to a file. These can be consumed later using the wfuzz payload.
	-c                        : Output with colors
	-v                        : Verbose information.
	-f filename,printer       : Store results in the output file using the specified printer (raw printer if omitted).
	-o printer                : Show results using the specified printer.
	--interact                : (beta) If selected,all key presses are captured. This allows you to interact with the program.
	--dry-run                 : Print the results of applying the requests without actually making any HTTP request.
	--prev                    : Print the previous HTTP requests (only when using payloads generating fuzzresults)
	--efield <expr>           : Show the specified language expression together with the current payload
	--field <expr>            : Do not show the payload but only the specified language expression
	-p addr                   : Use Proxy in format ip:port:type. Repeat option for using various proxies.
	                            Where type could be SOCKS4,SOCKS5 or HTTP if omitted.
	-t N                      : Specify the number of concurrent connections (10 default)
	-s N                      : Specify time delay between requests (0 default)
	-R depth                  : Recursive path discovery being depth the maximum recursion level.
	-L,--follow               : Follow HTTP redirections
	--ip host:port            : Specify an IP to connect to instead of the URL's host in the format ip:port
	-Z                        : Scan mode (Connection errors will be ignored).
	--req-delay N             : Sets the maximum time in seconds the request is allowed to take (CURLOPT_TIMEOUT). Default 90.
	--conn-delay N            : Sets the maximum time in seconds the connection phase to the server to take (CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT). Default 90.
	-A, --AA, --AAA           : Alias for --script=default,verbose,discovery -v -c
	--no-cache                : Disable plugins cache. Every request will be scanned.
	--script=                 : Equivalent to --script=default
	--script=<plugins>        : Runs script's scan. <plugins> is a comma separated list of plugin-files or plugin-categories
	--script-help=<plugins>   : Show help about scripts.
	--script-args n1=v1,...   : Provide arguments to scripts. ie. --script-args grep.regex="<A href=\"(.*?)\">"
	-u url                    : Specify a URL for the request.
	-m iterator               : Specify an iterator for combining payloads (product by default)
	-z payload                : Specify a payload for each FUZZ keyword used in the form of name[,parameter][,encoder].
	                            A list of encoders can be used, ie. md5-sha1. Encoders can be chained, ie. md5@sha1.
	                            Encoders category can be used. ie. url
	                            Use help as a payload to show payload plugin's details (you can filter using --slice)
	--zP <params>             : Arguments for the specified payload (it must be preceded by -z or -w).
	--zD <default>            : Default parameter for the specified payload (it must be preceded by -z or -w).
	--zE <encoder>            : Encoder for the specified payload (it must be preceded by -z or -w).
	--slice <filter>          : Filter payload's elements using the specified expression. It must be preceded by -z.
	-w wordlist               : Specify a wordlist file (alias for -z file,wordlist).
	-V alltype                : All parameters bruteforcing (allvars and allpost). No need for FUZZ keyword.
	-X method                 : Specify an HTTP method for the request, ie. HEAD or FUZZ
	-b cookie                 : Specify a cookie for the requests. Repeat option for various cookies.
	-d postdata               : Use post data (ex: "id=FUZZ&catalogue=1")
	-H header                 : Use header (ex:"Cookie:id=1312321&user=FUZZ"). Repeat option for various headers.
	--basic/ntlm/digest auth  : in format "user:pass" or "FUZZ:FUZZ" or "domain\FUZ2Z:FUZZ"
	--hc/hl/hw/hh N[,N]+      : Hide responses with the specified code/lines/words/chars (Use BBB for taking values from baseline)
	--sc/sl/sw/sh N[,N]+      : Show responses with the specified code/lines/words/chars (Use BBB for taking values from baseline)
	--ss/hs regex             : Show/hide responses with the specified regex within the content
	--filter <filter>         : Show/hide responses using the specified filter expression (Use BBB for taking values from baseline)
	--prefilter <filter>      : Filter items before fuzzing using the specified expression.


Discover hidden filenames

$ ./wfuzz -w /data/src/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt --hc 404
* Wfuzz 2.4.6 - The Web Fuzzer                         *

Total requests: 220570

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                              


000010454:   200        6 L      11 W     71 Ch       "green_arrow"                                        


Discover subdomains

$ wfuzz -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -u "http://cmess.thm" -H "Host: FUZZ.cmess.thm" --hw 290

Warning: Pycurl is not compiled against Openssl. Wfuzz might not work correctly when fuzzing SSL sites. Check Wfuzz's documentation for more information.

* Wfuzz 2.4.5 - The Web Fuzzer                         *

Target: http://cmess.thm/
Total requests: 4997

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                             

000000019:   200        30 L     104 W    934 Ch      "dev"                                               

Total time: 68.70782
Processed Requests: 4997
Filtered Requests: 4996
Requests/sec.: 72.72825

In the above example, wfuzz has discovered a hidden dev.cmess.thm subdomain.