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Bruteforce attacks


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Name Compat Description
Aircrack-ng Compatible with Linux systems 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program based on captured data packets
Airsnort Compatible with Linux systems Not maintained anymore. Has been replaced by aircrack-ng
BruteSSH Compatible with Linux systems Compatible with Windows systems Python based SSH brute force cracker
Brutus Compatible with Windows systems Brutus is a fast and flexible remote password cracker available for Windows
Burp Intruder Compatible with Linux systems Compatible with Windows systems Burp Intruder is a module of BurpSuite. It enables to automatize pentesting on web applications.
Cain-Abel Compatible with Windows systems Password recovery tool for Windows. It can recover passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols.
Crowbar (SensePost) Compatible with Windows systems Crowbar is a generic password cracker for web applications, also enabling to crack cookies by fuzzing methods
Hydra (THC) Compatible with Linux systems Compatible with Windows systems Very complete password cracker which understands a lot of protocols
JHijack (YGN Ethical Hacker Group) Compatible with Linux systems Fuzzer in Java, mainly used for session stealing and paramaters enumeration
John The Ripper Compatible with Linux systems One of the most famous password cracker, based on brute force and words lists
L0phtcrack Compatible with Linux systems Password cracker for Windows and *nix systems. Package includes nice functionalities, such as scheduling, hash extraction from 64 bit Windows versions, multiprocessor algorithms, and networks monitoring and decoding.
Lcrack (Lepton's Crack) Compatible with Linux systems Generic password cracker based on both dictionary-based (wordlist) and brute force (incremental) password scan, including the use of regular expressions. Supports MD4, MD5, NT MD4/Unicode, Lotus Domino HTTP password (R4), and SHA-1 hash formats. Compatible with Linux systems is a shell script that connects to various online resources to gather hash corresponding to a provided MD5 string.
Medusa Compatible with Linux systems Medusa is a fast parallel login brute-forcer. Many services implemented.
mysqlbrute Compatible with Linux systems Compatible with Windows systems Brute force tool against MySQL databases
ncrack Compatible with Linux systems High-speed network authentication cracking tool based on Nmap syntax
Ophcrack Compatible with Linux systems Compatible with Windows systems Free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables
Pwdump Compatible with Windows systems Not really a brute forcer. Pwdump extracts NTLM and LanMan hashes from a Windows target, and displays password history. It outputs the data in a L0phtcrack-compatible form, and can write to an output file.
RainbowCrack Compatible with Windows systems Tool for Windows, enabling to crack hashes with rainbow tables.
sqlninja Compatible with Windows systems Test various SQL injections, escalate privileges, bruteforce passwords on SQLServer databases
SSHatter Compatible with Linux systems Compatible with Windows systems Perl based SSH brute force cracker
W3AF (basicAuthBrute module) Compatible with Linux systems Compatible with Windows systems This W3AF module enables to brute force basic HTTP authentications
Wikto (SensePost) Compatible with Windows systems Enables to display hidden parts of a Web application by brute forcing directories

Online resources

Word lists/Dictionaries

Protection against bruteforce attacks

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