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Example #3: WackoPicko


This section shows the results of Inspathx run against WackoPicko.

Inspathx output

Below are the results of Inspathx run against WackoPicko, a vulnerable PHP application. For the example, the "display_error" directive (php.ini configuration file) has been set to "On" to display all the errors.

$ ruby inspathx.rb -d /var/www/ -u http://localhost

Path Discloser (a.k.a inspathx) / Error Hunter
 (c) Aung Khant, aungkhant[at]
  YGN Ethical Hacker Group, Myanmar,

svn co inspathx

# target: http://localhost//
# source: /var/www/
# log file: localhost__.log
# follow redirect: false
# null cookie: false
# total threads: 10
# time: 16:39:30 01-29-2011

[*] http://localhost//test.php

[*] http://localhost//admin/index.php

# waiting for child threads to finish ..
[*] http://localhost//error.php

# vulnerable url(s) = 3
# total requests = 49
# done at 16:39:32 01-29-2011

Send bugs, suggestions, contributions to inspathx[at]

Log file

Here is the generated log file:

# Logfile created on Sat Jan 29 16:39:30 +0100 2011 by logger.rb/22285
I, [2011-01-29 16:39:30 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : TargetURL: http://localhost//
I, [2011-01-29 16:39:30 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : Source: /var/www/
I, [2011-01-29 16:39:30 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : Settings: follow redirect: false,null cookie: false, total threads: 10
I, [2011-01-29 16:39:30 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : Date:  16:39:30 01-29-2011

I, [2011-01-29 16:39:30 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : [*] http://localhost//test.php


Notice: Undefined index: head in /var/www/test.php on line 2

Notice: Undefined index: title in /var/www/test.php on line 3

Notice: Undefined index: href in /var/www/test.php on line 4

Notice: Undefined index: script in /var/www/test.php on line 5
<head> <title></title></head>
<a href="http://">text</a>


I, [2011-01-29 16:39:30 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : [*] http://localhost//admin/index.php


Notice: Undefined index: page in /var/www/admin/index.php on line 3

Warning: require_once(.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/admin/index.php on line 4

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/admin/index.php on line 4

I, [2011-01-29 16:39:30 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : [*] http://localhost//error.php


Notice: Undefined index: msg in /var/www/error.php on line 5
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<h2>There was an error!</h2>

   <p class="error" style="text-align:center;"></p>


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I, [2011-01-29 16:39:32 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : Vulnerable url(s) = 3
I, [2011-01-29 16:39:32 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : Total requests = 49
I, [2011-01-29 16:39:32 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : Generated by inspathx, path disclosure finder tool
I, [2011-01-29 16:39:32 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : by Aung Khant,

I, [2011-01-29 16:39:32 pid:#12615]  INFO -- : 
Send bugs, suggestions, contributions to inspathx[at]