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Svmap is a sip scanner that lists SIP devices found on an IP range.


Please refer to this section.


Syntax [options] host1 host2 hostrange


show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
-q, --quiet
Quiet mode
-p PORT, --port=PORT
Destination port or port ranges of the SIP device - eg -p5060,5061,8000-8100
-P PORT, --localport=PORT
Source port for our packets
-x IP, --externalip=IP
IP Address to use as the external ip. Specify this if you have multiple interfaces or if you are behind NAT
By default we bind to all interfaces. This option overrides that and binds to the specified ip address
This option allows you to trottle the speed at which packets are sent. Change this if you're losing packets. For example try 0.5.
-R, --reportback
Send the author an exception traceback. Currently sends the command line parameters and the traceback
-A, --autogetip
Automatically get the current IP address. This is useful when you are not getting any responses back due to SIPVicious not resolving your local IP.
-s NAME, --save=NAME
save the session. Has the benefit of allowing you to resume a previous scan and allows you to export scans
resume a previous scan
-c, --enablecompact
enable compact mode. Makes packets smaller but possibly less compatible
Scan random IP addresses
-i scan1, --input=scan1
Scan IPs which were found in a previous scan. Pass the session name as the argument
-I scan1, --inputtext=scan1
Scan IPs from a text file - use the same syntax as command line but with new lines instead of commas.
Pass the file name as the argument
-m METHOD, --method=METHOD
Specify the request method - by default this is OPTIONS.
-d, --debug
Print SIP messages received
Only send the first given number of messages (i.e. usually used to scan only X IPs)
Specify an extension - by default this is not set
Randomize scanning instead of scanning consecutive ip addresses
Scan the SRV records for SIP on the destination domain name.The targets have to be domain names -
specify a name for the from header
--fingerprint, --fp
enable fingerprinting (default is off)


root@bt:/pentest/voip/sipvicious# ./
| SIP Device       | User Agent | Fingerprint |
| | unknown    | disabled    |
