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Packing/Unpacking process

Malware is often packed. It produces a version of the execuatble that is smaller in size and more difficult to analyze for the malware analyst. The malware analyst will still be able to work with a packed version for a behavioral analysis but in many cases, the unpacked version will be necessary to perform a static analysis.

                                                                                      Fully unpacked
           Original                                             Packed                   (on disk)
          Executable                                          Executable            ┌────────────────┐
          (on disk)                                           (in memory)           │     header     │
      ┌────────────────┐                                  ┌────────────────┐        ├────────────────┤
      │     header     │                                  │     header     │        │     exports    │
      ├────────────────┤                                  ├────────────────┤        ├────────────────┤
      │    imports     │                                  │     exports    │   EP ─►│      .text     │
      ├────────────────┤                                  ├────────────────┤        │     section    │
      │    exports     │              Packed              │      .text     │        ├────────────────┤
      ├────────────────┤            Executable            │     section    │        │      .data     │
OEP ─►│     .text      │            (on disk)             ├────────────────┤        │     section    │
      │    section     │        ┌────────────────┐        │      .data     │        ├────────────────┤
      ├────────────────┤        │     header     │        │     section    │        │      .rsrc     │
      │     .data      │        ├────────────────┤        ├────────────────┤        │     section    │
      │    section     │   EP ─►│ unpacking stub │        │      .rsrc     │        ├────────────────┤
      ├────────────────┤        ├────────────────┤        │     section    │        │ unpacking stub │
      │     .rsrc      │        │      packed    │        ├────────────────┤        ├────────────────┤
      │    section     │        │    executable  │   EP ─►│ unpacking stub │        │     imports    │
      └────────────────┘        └────────────────┘        └────────────────┘        └────────────────┘
              │                       ▲    │                       ▲                         ▲
              └─────── packing ───────┘    └────── unpacking ──────┴─────────────────────────┘

Unpacking Stub

The unpacking stub performs the following actions:

  1. unpacks the original executable into memory
  2. resolves imports
  3. transfers execution to the OEP

Identifying packers

OllyDbg and IDA Pro

Openeing a packed executable

  • in OllyDbg will display a warning that the executable may be packed
  • in IDA-Pro may also warn and only a small amount of code will be recognized by the automatic analysis.


Packed programs have very few imports (usually LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress), even sometimes no import at all.


Many packers leave text signatures inside the packed binary. Here are a few examples:

$ strings /data/malware/storm.exe
 Reserved. $
$ strings /data/malware/windowsxp2.exe
$ strings /data/malware/bintext.exe 
NTkrnl Secure Suite 
Version 0.1 
Metamorphism Portable Executable (PE) Packer and Protector Library 
 2006-2007 Ashkbiz Danehkar 
All Rights Reserved
E-mail: [email protected] NTkrnl Geborgene Zeug 

file command

In some cases, the file command will be able to identify the packer:

$ file /data/malware/storm.exe 
/data/malware/storm.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, UPX compressed, ARJ self-extracting archive
$ file /data/malware/windowsxp2.exe 
/data/malware/windowsxp2.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, PECompact2 compressed / PEiD

The script will be able to identify some packers:

$ ./ /data/malware/storm.exe 
Record 0

File:    /data/malware/storm.exe
Size:    3342142 bytes
Type:    PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, UPX compressed, ARJ self-extracting archive
MD5:     f9e28f48de73e3d49688482c77591eea
SHA1:    42a92d365378e6469f71edf36a847f0417ca3a77
Date:    0x7730294B [Sat May 14 00:56:43 2033 UTC] [SUSPICIOUS]
EP:      0x41cad0 UPX1 1/3 [SUSPICIOUS]
CRC:     Claimed: 0x0, Actual: 0x337f6a [SUSPICIOUS]
Packers: UPX ->

Name       VirtAddr     VirtSize     RawSize      Entropy     
UPX0       0x1000       0x12000      0x0          0.000000    [SUSPICIOUS]
UPX1       0x13000      0xa000       0x9e00       7.873877    [SUSPICIOUS]
UPX2       0x1d000      0x1000       0x200        1.569615

PEiD can also detect the packer.


Analyzing packed executables

The Tail Jump

The tail jump is the instruction executed by the unpacking stub to reach the OEP:

  • jump instruction
  • ret or call instructions

The tail jump can be identified with IDA-Pro and OllyDbg. It sometimes appears as the last valid instruction:


The unpacking process can be fully automated (e.g. with UPX), semi-automated or fully manual.

Some examples are given below:

Packer Manual Automated
UPX manual automated
PE Compact manual automated

More generally, unpacking an executable often involves locating the tail jump (e.g. jump to EAX) to find the Original Entry Point (OEP).

Debugging packed executables without dumping

It is sometimes tricky to unpack an executable and it could be less time consuming to analyze it in memory.

Here is an example for an UPX packed malware.


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Pages in category "Digital-Forensics/Computer-Forensics/Anti-Reverse-Engineering/Packers"

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